November 2012

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #1241

Posted by on 27 Nov 2012 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 is here – The Visual Studio Team announce the release of Visual Studio 2012 Update 1, their first update to the latest Visual Studio / TFS release. Further details can be found in Somasegar’s announcement – , focusing on the big ticket items in the update, Brian Harry -discusses why you should update, and Charles Sterling over on the Visual Studio ALM + Team Foundation Server Blog gives details of the smaller features and improvements across Visual Studio and TFS
  • Windows Azure Training Kit – November 2012 – Dr. Z highlights the release of the Windows Azure Training Kit for November 2012, which includes updated labs for the new Azure SDK, Visual Studio 2012 and Windows 8, a new LAB for Windows 8 consuming Mobile Services, along with all the other great content.
  • jQuery UI 1.9.2 – The jQuery UI Team announce the release of their second maintenance release of jQuery UI 1.9, including bug fixes across a number of the UI controls
  • Announcing PostSharp 3 CTP – Gael Fraiteur announces the openign of the CTP programme for PostSharp 3, available via the Visual Studio Gallery and NuGet, highlighting some of the new features including Smart Tag support in the IDE, VS2012 Support, support for Windows Store Apps, Silverlight, and Windows Phone and much more.


The Morning Brew #1240

Posted by on 26 Nov 2012 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • TFS Administration Tool 2.2 Released – Grant Holliday announces the latest release of the TFS Administration Tool. This version 2.2 now no longer requires Team Explorer 2010 on the machine it is to be used on, running against the TFS 2012 object model


The Morning Brew #1239

Posted by on 23 Nov 2012 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew

Hope all my American readers had a good Thanksgiving – today’s edition is a little light due to low numbers of posts (as a result of Thanksgiving)


  • Separating Concerns – Part 1: Libraries – Chris Patterson kicks off a series looking at the principle of separation of concerns, discussing the underluing ideas, the problem that separation of concerns can have with high cohesion, and disucssing the role of the library in addressing separation of concerns.
  • 31 Days of Windows 8 | Day #23: The Compass – Jeff Blankenburg and Clark Sell continue their month long series looking at the various aspects of Windows 8 Development, with the latest instalment taking a look at the use of the Compass Sensor in both XAML/C# (Jeff) and HTML5 / JS (Clark)
  • Realtime ASP.NET Web API tracing with SignalR – Filip W takes a look at combining the Web API Tracing ,included in the WebAPI Core in the fall update, with the power of SignalR to create a real time tracing log for you Web API applications
  • How to return a CSV file with ASP.NET MVC – Simone Chiaretta takes a look at the returning of CSV data from ASP.NET MVC actions, discussing the process of extending the ActionResult class, and sharing a simple CSV implementation
  • Getting started: TypeScript for Windows 8 Projects using Visual Studio 2012 – Shen Yizhe shares a walk through of getting up and running with TypeScript in your projects, looking at using the Web Essentials extension, and how you can use type script in your Windows Store applications.
  • A Few New Things Coming To JavaScript – Addy Osmani shares a look at what is coming in the future of JavaScript with the new features in the specification, discussing the new features, and looking at them in use in code examples.


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