
  • C# Yellow Book 2012 Now Available – Rob Miles announces the 2012 edition of his C# Yellow Book, a free pdf download now in its 5th year of being updated. This edition contains updates and corrections, along with moving the GUI section onto XAML rather than WinForms.
  • #mvvmlight V4 update for Win8 RTM – Laurent Bugnion has updated his MVVM Light framework for the Windows 8 RTM release, including a few updates, and discusses upgrading your applications to the RTM release in this post.
  • FsCheck 0.8.3 and FsCheck.Xunit 0.3 – Kurt Schelfthout announces the latest versions of FsCheck and , adding support for running tests through NCrunch, and use of Assembly binding redirects to ensure that thte correct versions of assemblies are used.

