I had a fun evening presenting at my local UG last night, many thanks to all those who came along.


  • WMemoryProfiler is Released – Alois Kraus highlights his latest project, a managed memory profiler which aims to be an aid to integration testing, working in .NET from .NET 3.0 to 4.5 across x86 and x64 platforms.
  • Announcing the June 2012 Release of the Ajax Control Toolkit – Stephen Walther announces the June 2012 release of the Ajax Control Toolkit available now from NuGet. This release includes significant security related improvements to the HtmlEditorExtender, along with a number of improvements to the ComboBox and other controls.


  • Foolish consistency is foolish – Eric Lippert shares a discussion about implicit and explicit typing with the use of var, discussing how as languages evolve there will be times when there will be small inconsistencies due to the way things worked in the past.
  • Windows Phone Summit – Channel 9 – Channel 9 have the video content online from last week’s Windows Phone Summit where the main topic of discussion was the Windows Phone 8 platform.
  • Infrastructure as a Service Series: Virtual Machines and Windows – Corey Sanders discusses the use of Windows Azure to host Virtual Machines giving an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering as a part of Windows Azure
  • Windows Azure Evolution – Deploy Web Sites (WAWS Part 3) – Shawn Xu is continuing his series looking at the evolution of Windows Azure, currently taking a look at deploying websites to Azure, in this post exploring the Git publishing option.
  • Single Page App Using Knockout and ASP.NET – Bangla Gopal Surya gives an introduction to using Knockout,JS with ASP,NET to create single page web applications in this CodeProject article.
  • Knockout.js Performance Gotcha #3 – all bindings fire together – Ryan Niemeyer has an interesting post discussing one of the potential performance problems you may encounter when working with Knockout.js, discussing some platform changes which are being investigated to help alleviate the issues.
  • When Should I Use An ORM? – Mike Hadlow discusses when we should use an Object Relational Mapper in this well thought out article giving a considered view on the problems that ORM aims to address.


  • Sheffield NET User Group – The Sheffield .NET User Group are meeting on the evening of Thursday 5th July at the Showroom Cafe Bar in Sheffield, where John Stovin will be giving a session titled "Farewell P/Invoke. Interop in WinRT with C++/CX" and Mark Kirschstein will be delivering a session on "Refactoring Horrible .NET Code"
  • Building Better Integration Tests with Colin Bowern – For those on the other side of the world, the Wellington, New Zealand .NET user group are hosting an evening event on Wednesday 4th July with Colin Bowern looking at integration testing using a variety of frameworks.
  • NxtGenUG – Building on Windows Azure – The NxtGenUG group running out of Daresbury (Manchester / Warrington / Liverpool areas) welcome Tom Carter for a session looking at the new and exciting features of Windows Azure on the evening of Wednesday 18th July.