
  • NHibernate 3.3.0.GA released – Oskar Berggren announces the release of version 3.3.0GA of NHibernate. This release includes improvements to the LINQ provider, additional ‘enhanced’ identity providers, and additional capabilities for mapping in code.


  • GUID Guide, part one – Eric Lippert kicks off another series of posts looking at the interesting and slightly magical world of the GUID – globally unique identifiers.
  • Petzold Book Blog – 2-4-6-8-10 – Charles Petzold shares a unique offer which will get you early access copies and a final e-book edition of his updated ‘Programming Windows’ book. This book is one of the most well known and revered in the space, and the updated edition will be adding content regarding Metro Style Applications development for Windows 8 using C#
    and XAML.
  • Announcing ReactiveUI 3.1 at Thursday Night – Paul Betts announces a new release of ReactiveUI. This library is a MVVM framework which is tightly integrated with the reactive extensions for .NET, providing a simple way of writing complex stateful interactions and async operations.
  • Compilify – Fast and Simple Online Compiler For .Net Code on a Browser – Jiby John highlights Compilify, a Roslyn based online compiler for .NET code accessible through your web browser. The implementation is open source, with source code available on GitHub, and there is a hosted version available running on AppHarbor.
  • WPF Charting Performance Comparisons (the Battle Continues) – Colin Eberhardt takes a look at the performance of various WPF based charting solutions, looking at their performance refreshing and animating with different sized data sets.
  • Diving deep with WinRT and await – Windows 8 app developer blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Stephen Toub is a guest author over on the Windows 8 App Developer Blog discussing the implementation and use of asynyc/await in Windows 8 WinRT applications, discussing the basics and how the compiler transforms the code.
  • Be Mindful With Your Code – Eli Weinstock-Herman discusses code quality, and the reasons you should care about the code you write.
  • Concurrency, Performance, Arrays and when Dirty Writes are OK – Ben Watson discusses multiple threads accessing a single shared resource (Array), discussing synchronization, and how you can improve performance by accepting some loss in accuracy.