
  • Nancy v0.8.0 – Best Laid Plans.. – Steven Robbins announces the release of Nancy v0.8.0, a .NET framework similar to Sinatra. This new release brings a significant number of new features along side bugfixes and tweaks. This release has taken the team longer than planned, mainly due to the strong community uptake
  • MVVM Light Toolkit for Windows 8 (preview) #mvvmlight #win8 – Laurent Bugnion announces the first preview of his MVVM Toolkit running against Windows 8, available as an MSI installer from CodePlex and can be installed alongside MVVM Light V3 or V4 beta. As this is an early preview, there are a few things which may not be working correctly, or are missing from this release – check the blog post for full details.



  • SQL Dark Arts & Asynchronous C# – DevEvening welcome Dave Morrison and Lian Westley for session on SQL Server performance tuning and Aysnc in C# on Wednesday 26th October in Woking Surrey
  • RavenDB Webinar #2 – Modeling – Ayende announces the next RavenDb Weninar, to be held on Thursday 6th October, looking at modelling with Raven DB, registration is required, and there are 100 spaces available, with those who get in decided during the webinar.