
  • jQuery 1.6.3 Released – The jQuery Team announce the release of jQuery 1.6.3, a bugfix release on the 1.6 codebase. The release includes improvements to the $().data() API, removed use of the requestAnimationFrame API, and fixed a cross site scripting attack vector, along with a number of more minor changes.
  • Windsor 3 beta 1 – dozen of Nuget packages and support – Krzysztof Kozmic announces the release of a collection of NuGet packages for Castle Windsor 3 beta 1, making it ever easier to get the bits you require to be up and running with Windsor, along with SymbolServer support to aid debugging.
  • Update to the OData Library Available on CodePlex and NuGet – Shayne highlights the work his team have been doing on the OData library and announce an updated drop release of both ODataLib and EdmLib, available now on NuGet and CodePlex.
  • Google APIs Client Library for .NET Beta is now available for Download – ‘Ginktage’ highlights the release of an updated .NET Client for the Google APIs released on Code.Google.Com. The Google APIs Client Library for .NET provides the ability to interact with Google APIs ranging from search to Analytics.


  • Using Lucene.NET search engine library in .NET applications – Gunnar Peipman shares a simple getting started guide to help you get up and running with the Lucene.NET text search engine library, exploring both its use as an indexer and searcher.
  • Silverlight 5 Text Clarity and Pixel Snapping, Silverlight 5 (and WPF 4) OpenType Support & Simplifying Async Networking with Tasks in Silverlight 5 – Pete Brown digs into some more of the Silverlight 5 features available in Silverlight 5, exploring the improvements in text rendering, new OpenType support, including ligatures, and shares a modified excerpt from his ‘Silverlight 5 In Action’ book exploring how aysnc networking can be made easier by making use of the Tasks support in Silverlight 5
  • Making It More Functional – Chris Eargle follows on from Ted Neward’s latest Working Programmer column in MSDN Magazine taking a look at how you can take Ted’s functional example event further making it more functional.
  • Readability in Programming Languages – Alfred Thompson discusses the readability of programming languages by less technical people, showing a few examples of languages with different readbility / userstandability levels and highlights the ’99 Bottles of Beer’ site which has examples of over 1400 programming languages and variants.
  • Properties or Fields? – Jeremy Likness discusses one of the great programming debates, looking at the differences, discussing some of the key points and benefits of properties and encouraging discussion (with some good reading in the comments too)
  • Quick tip: (free) JScript Editor Extensions for Visual Studio – Katrien DG highlights the JScript Editor extensions for Visual Studio which bring a number of enhancements for JavaScript Development in the Visual Studio IDE, and highlights a Channel 9 video where Damien Edwards discusses the extension and some of the features for JavaScript coming in Visual Studio vNext.
  • Custom Jasmine Matchers For Clarity In Testing Backbone.js Models – Derick Bailey continues his series of posts on Backbone.js with a look at improving his Jasmine specifications for testing Backbone.js models and applications with an implementation of a Custom Jasmine Matcher to help reduce duplication in specifications and improve error messages.
  • Analyze your Web Server Data and be empowered with LogParser and Log Parser Lizard GUI – Scott Hanselman highlights the LogParser tool, and how it can be used to parse a whole range of different log formats and provide a way to easily extract data from logs using a SQL like language.
  • How to map a domain model with NHibernate? – Gabriel Schenker takes a look at the mapping of domain entities to be used in a WCF service, answering a number of common questions about the decisions that need to be made in the mapping process and looking at segregating the parts of the model.


  • In The Brain of Damjan Vujnovic: Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript – Skills Matter are hosting an ‘In the Brain of…’ session tomorrow evening (Tuesday 6th September) with Damjan Vujnovic on Object Oriented Programming in Javacript, looking to dispel some of the myths about JavaScript programming and looking at how some of the language features can be used in an OOP way.
  • Code Contracts in .NET with Chris Marsh – Chris Marsh joins the Canary Wharf .NET User Group for a session on Code Contracts this Wednesday (7th September), exploring how the Code Contracts library provides first class support for Design By Contract in .NET languages
  • Software Craftsmanship Round-table – The London Software Craftsmanship Community are also meeting on Wednesday (7th September) for their monthly ‘Round table’ discussion. Spaces are limited, and currently the attendee list is full with a Wait List in operation.