The Morning Brew #925
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 26th August 2011 at 07:47 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Monday is a public holiday here in the UK (our last one before Christmas!) and as is the usual Morning Brew tradition I will be skipping publishing on Monday, returning on Tuesday. Have a fun weekend everyone.
- Updated SDL Tools Available – The Security Development Lifecycle – Monty LaRue of the SDL Team announces the latest update to the SSL Tools – Threat Modeling Tool gets an update to v3.1.8 which includes changes from an extensive beta process, MiniFuzz updates to v1.5.5 and now supports TFS Server and has had work done on its stability, and RegExFuzz hits v1.1.0 which provides tooling to ensure that the regular expressions used in your applications are not exponential in the time taken to evaluate, a source of DOS attack.
- What features do you want to see in Visual Studio? – Visual Studio UE Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Michael Alberts highlights the Visual Studio UserVoice site, a place for you to give feedback on the Visual Studio Product line, and suggest features you would find useful in the IDE.
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: Five Easy Sequence Aggregators – James Michael Hare continues his C#/.NET Little Wonders series continuing exploring some of the LINQ extension methods, exploring aggregations in this post, taking a look at the Sum, Min, Max, Average and Aggregate methods.
- Fiddler In Action – Part 2 – Mehdi Khalili shares the second half of his series on the Fiddler HTTP Debugging Proxy, taking a look at some of the more advanced uses of the tool, showing how you can debug HTTP traffic with break points, use the proxy to serve fake responses, filter the output and make use of FiddlerCap.
- Learning about Progressive Enhancement – Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries – Scott Hanselman discusses how he and Jeremy Kratz have added good support for mobile browser users on his new look blog, discussing the use of CSS Media Queries to target styling and implementing navigation for Mobile devices.
- CSS Tricks and the Alternate Universe of Graphics Primitives – K. Scott Allen discusses the fun that can be had with CSS and simple div elements allowing us to create circles, triangles, and highlights a great page about creating all manner of shapes using only HTML elements and CSS.
- Test-Driven JavaScript – Jesse Miller gives a nice introduction to developing JavaScript code with tests, showing how jQuery, John Resig’s Simple JavaScript Inheritance library, and QUnit can be combined to allow you to test and mock out ajax calls.
- Very High Quality Image Resizing in .NET – Keyvan Nayyeri explores three different techniques for resizing images in .NET each with different quality factors. Sample source code is provided along with the article.
- Mixing some Dynamic-ness with IronJS in .NET 4 – Chris Pietschmann discusses the use of IronJS from C#, giving a little background on its use, and looks at combining IronJS with a .NET 4’s dynamic type support.
- Further Down the Rabbit Hole: PowerShell Modules and Encapsulation – Michael Sorens guides us through the creation of Modules in PowerShell to help improve the reusability and maintainability of your PowerShell Code, discussing how it provides encapsulation, and sharing best practices for the creation of modules.
- Dimecasts Episode #200 is Launched – Many congratulations to Derik Whittaker on reaching the 200 episode milestone with his DimeCasts Project. Over the past 200 editions Derek and his supporting cast of screencast authors have published some excellent screencasts on a wide range of topics in their 10 minute format.
- In The Brain of Jon Jagger: Cyber Dojo – On the evening of Thursday 10th November Skills Matter host an interesting event under the banner of their ‘In the Brain of’ series. The event sees Jon Jagger introduce the concept of a CyberDojo and run one with the session participants.
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