
  • Simple.Data 0.6.8 – Mark Rendle announces version 0.6.8 of his Simple.Data library. This project, initially a reaction to the Microsoft.Data library, is rapidly approaching its 1.0 release. The 0.68 release improves the libraries capabilities with joins between tables, adding support for Self Joins and joins where there is not referential integrity in the database.
  • Updated Release for stylecop – The version number is – Tatworth highlights yet another Style Cop release which addresses some issues for processing of async code. This release is the one that will likely become the RTW release on Thursday
  • ReSharper 6 RC2; EAPs for dotCover, dotTrace Performance – The team over at JetBrains have released a second Release Candidate release of ReSharper 6, addressing issues with solution wide analysis and find code issues functionality, and have also opened new early access previews of minor updates to dotCover and dotTrace which improve the integration with ReSharper 6.
  • What is Code Metrics Viewer? – Matthias Friedrich highlights his Visual Studio 2010 Code Metrics Viewer extension which plugs into VS 2010 Professional and uses the Code Metrics Power Tool to provide code metrics information to the IDE. Matthias is blogging a number of posts on this project blog which look at the various features of the viewer and I encourage you to check those other posts out too.
  • Office 365 Launches Globally – US ISV Evangelism – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Bruce Kyle highlights the official release of Office 365, launched yesterday, highlighting resources for those who want to develop against the Office 365 services.


  • Introducing the Expected Objects Library – Derek Greer follows on from his recent post on the Expected Objects pattern with the sharing of a library of code, the Expected Objects Library, which makes the implementation of the expected objects easy. Derek outlines the use of the library in this post, and highlights how it can be obtained via NuGet for Binary or GitHub for source.
  • Unit testing and the Scientific Method – Oscar Calvo discusses taking a more scientific approach to your unit testing, looking principally at the tests for addressing a bug fix, exploring each of the stages of the scientific method.
  • Html5 Snooker Club – CodeProject – Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira shares a detailed article on CodeProject which looks at the building of a snooker game using HTML5 technologies, discussing the various features of the game, and the HTML5 functionality that each use, sharing relevant code snippets in the article and providing the full source as a download.
  • ActiveMQ and .NET combined! – ?ukasz takes an introductory look at getting up and running with the ActiveMQ message queue in your .NET applications, showing how easily the .NET port of the Java API makes this process.
  • Weak references in .NET – Vishwas Sutar explores the use of the Weak Reference in .NET applications by way of an example, showing how weak references allow us to point at an object while still allowing the garbage collector to remove the instance if required by the system.
  • You can’t cache DateTime.Now – Ayende discusses a situation where he was seeing lots of cache misses for a particular set of queries due to their use of DateTime.Now in a criteria which meant that the query was different every time.
  • The Workflow Parallel Activity and Task Parallelism, Windows Workflow (WF4) Task Parallelism with Sequences & Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4) ParallelFor Activity – Ron Jacobs takes a look at task parallelism in Windows Workflow 4, refelcting back on a previous post about the threading used in WF4 and looking at the parallel support in synchronous and asynchronous activities, and Parallel activities.
  • Announcing Four New F# Projects For Creating Web Apps – Robert Pickering highlights 4 projects whcih make creating web applications using F# much easier, all available as source and NuGet packages, covering MVC frameworks, logging, NoSql Database access and Linq.