

  • Optional argument corner cases, part one – Eric Lippert digs deeper into Optional Arguments with a look at when methods with optional arguments and Interface methods collide, looking at how the overload resolution works in these scenarios.
  • HTML5 Improvements with the ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update – Scott Guthrie continues his series of posts about the features introduced in the MIX11 release of the ASP.NET MVC3 Tools Update, this time looking at the HTML5 Support that has been added, the project template support, IDE features enabled by SP1 and the Modernizr library which is now included in with ASP.NET MVC.
  • Compiling MVC Views In A Build Environment – Phil Haack discusses the compiling of ASP.NET MVC Views when using build environments like TFS and AppHarbor, highlighting a bug in the earlier releases of ASP.NET MVC, and the fix included in the ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update
  • AsyncController v/s SessionLess Controller – Imran Baloch takes a look at the difference between the ASP.NET MVC 3 SessionLess Controller and the ASP.NET MVC 2 Async Controller, demonstrating the difference in the way that they allow user actions to be executed
  • C#er : IMage: Dynamic Types to Simplify Property Change Notification in Silverlight 4 and 5 – Jeremy Likness takes a look at a technique using Dynamic types to implement a generic Property Changed Notification in both Silverlight 4 and 5, walking through the solution and sharing the code.
  • Writing inline MSBuild tasks in C# for one-liners – Daniel Cazzulino shows how you can easily extend MSBuild using C# to define tasks in your build file.
  • IE Pinned Sites Part 7: How to implement Thumbnail Toolbar Buttons – Jennifer Marsman continues her series on Internet Explorer 9 Pinned Sites taking a look at the implementation of custom thumbnail toolbar buttons, bringing rich functionality from your site into the Windows Experience.
  • Tinyweb Series: 1 Getting Started – Martin Rue kicks off a series of posts looking at the use of his Tinyweb project, a lightweight framework for ASP.NET which interfaces closely with the HTTP protocol.


  • NNUG Online – Mai 2011 – NNUG – Tomorrow(Wednesday 11th May) Evening Hadi Hariri joins the Norwegian .NET User Group for a Virtual event over Live Meeting. Hadi will be discussing creating ReSTful Architectures usin ASP.NET MVC. The event is free and starts at 7pm CET
  • Silverlight UK User Group [May 2011] Agenda – The Silverlight UK Usergroup wll be meeting on Wednesday 18th May at EMC Consulting’s offices in London, where Mike Taulty will be presenting a session on the Silverlight 5 Beta release