
  • ReSharper 5.0 Goes RC! – JetBrains announce the Release Candidate release of ReSharper 5.0. This relase does not contain any new features, but has had lots of focus on performance and integration with the IDE, so they should be much improved.
  • Introducing QuickUnit – Roy Osherove highlights a new Unit Test Generation tool which aims to make it simpler to create test projects following your conventions and create test outlines with mock/isolation support using an IDE integrated environment.
  • Metsys.Bson – the BSON Library – Karl Seguin has extracted his BSON serialisation support out of the MongoDB Driver project he is involved in into a separate project, allowing you to easily use this serialisation format in your own applications



  • FREE Windows Azure evening in London on April 15th including FREE access to Windows Azure – Eric Nelson highlights a great Free Event to be held in the evening of 15th April in London, piggy-backing on the UK TechDays events to be held that week. This event from the UK AzureNET user group will be looking at some real world uses of Azure, along with a look at noSQL databases. Eric also highlights other TechDays Fringe events taking place in London and the rest of the UK during the TechDays week.
  • Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You’re Using XCopy, You’re Doing It Wrong – Scott Hanselman highlights one of the sessions he presented at Mix 10 which looked at using the MSDeploy / WebDeploy functionality of Visual Studio to make deploying web applications a breeze.
  • #Develop, F# and Google Summer of Code – Robert Pickering higlights a great prospect for any Computer Science Students who want to take part in the Google Summer of Code and work on integrating F# into the SharpDevelop IDE. Contact Rob if your are interested and want to know more.