
  • 1.5 Beta Released – Brad Wilson announces the release of xUnit.Net 1.5 Beta. This release introduces xUnit .net Test Project files which contain the settings of the assmeblies to test and various run parameters, along with support for ASP.NET MVC 2 and a forced 32bit mode test runner for those who need to test in 32bit but run on 64bit machines
  • Windows 7 Code Pack V. 1.0 Released – Charlie Calvert highlights the release of the Windows 7 API Code Pack v1.0 which provides support for the new Windows 7 APIs and features wuch as the new taskbar features, Shell Search API, Common Dialogs, Power Management APIs, and much much more
  • – Updates – Santosh Benjamin highlights some recent updates and the availability of an updated MSI Installer for WCF.Blue the WCF version of the Web Services Contract First project
  • Fasterflect – a fast and simple API for Reflection invocation – Buu Nguyen shares Fasterflect a wrapper library for Reflection which aims to make the coding and runtime performance of refection better. The article talks about both aspects and full binary and source releases are linked from here
