
  • WikiPlex v1.1 Released – WikiPlex, the wiki engine which is used on CodePlex gets a new release, bringing in Mono Compatibility, internal changes to the syndication feeds, ands some changes to the macro parsing.
  • Continuous Testing In .NET – Tim Ross introduces his project AutoBuild which monitors a source directory, and runs a NAnt build script when ever a file changes, allowing you to run your unit tests with every save of a file, thus enabling the idea of Continuous Testing



  • AltNetBeers #13 – StackOverflow edition – Seb Lambla announces the plans for the 13th AltNet Beers event which will be being held in the evening of 28th October, to coincide with the StackOverflow Conference in London.
  • – The largest German Community Conference is scheduled to take place on 28th August in Wuppertal, Germany, and will consist of 4 tracks spread over 11 hours. The site and conference are to be held in German, and from my limited German comprehension skills it looks like there is a 15 Euro cost to cover hospitality, but other than that the conference is free – but please correct me if this is wrong.