The Morning Brew #301
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 6th March 2009 at 08:25 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Molding code to your will with Sculpture – The .NET open source Model-Driven Development Code Generation Framework – Greg Duncan highlights the release of Sculpture 1.0 a model driven code generator which generates code for a number of common development technologies (DAAB, NHibernate, Linq, CSLA, WCF, etc)
- Is Excessive Mapping Of DTOs/ViewObjects to Entities A Code Smell – Mike Nichols considers the presence of lots of mapping code to and from DTOs, and looks at some alternative to help move his code away from CRUD and towards more pure DDD.
- Validation with MVC, xVal & IDataerrorInfo – Adam Schroder looks at validation in ASP.NET MVC using xVal, and shares some his implementation.
- No-Compile Web User Controls – Ricardo Peres looks at using user controls which have th CompilationMode directive set to Never, showing how they can be instantiated using declarative syntax.
- The art of throwing JavaScript errors – Nicholas C. Zakas talks about the use of exceptions in Javascript, and some good practices for when and where to throw them,
- Recursive LINQ with Y-combinator – Mike Hadlow explores some recursion using Linq and Lambda expressions by decomposing the recursion into a set of extension methods.
- Troubleshooting Windows MSI Installers – Phil Haack shares an comprehensive list of debugging tricks and tips for troubleshooting problems with MSI installers.
- Working with BackgroundWorker & Create your own loading class. – ‘hieuuk’ looks into the Background Worker and shows how you can use it to create a loading form which runs your process in the background while keeping the UI responsive
- Basic Blocks Aren’t So Basic – I. M. Testy looks at the reasons why a test that tests all of both branches of a condition does not result in 100% test coverage
- The power of ICommand – Rudi Grobler looks at three implementations of the ICommand pattern in WPF
- A 3 minute guide to embedding IronPython in a C# application – Leon Bambrick gives a very simple example of how to embed IronPython into your C# application to provide some scripting capabilities. Source to the sample applications are included with the post.
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