The Morning Brew #288
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 17th February 2009 at 08:39 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- neXpert v1.0 Released! – neXpert is a Fiddler plug-in which adds a number of performance testing features to the Fiddler developer HTTP proxy allowing easier identification of performance issues with viewstate, page size, etc
- Newly updated Oxite release available – Duncan Mackenzie announces the release of an update to Oxite, the open source ASpNET MVC based blogging/CRM platform. This release continues the work based on community feedback and adds a number of new features
- Prism V2 – Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight – February 2009 – Released – John Mandia highlights the release of Prism V2’s February 2009 release.
- DDD: Aggregates and Aggregate Roots – Casey Charlton continues his series on Domain Driven Design with a look at the concepts of Aggregates and Aggregate Roots
- The M Programming Language – Part 1 – Structural Typing – Bart De Smet kicks off his new series exploring the M Programming language. In this part Bart examines structural typing, and how M is significantly different to the programming languages that most are familiar with
- C#: Object Initializer and The Horse Shoe – Mark Needham looks at object initialisers and how they can lead to messy ‘horse shoe’ like code
- Spaces in identifier names in C# – Jimmy Bogard shows of an intriguing technique for having method names that seem to have spaces in, allowing you to name tests / specification methods in a more readable manner.
- Programming for Vista, Part 2: Adding Aero Glass in Managed Code – Graham O’Neale shows how you can get Vista Aero effects in your own applications.
- Reducing the cost of getting a stack trace – Ayende looks at a more high performance way of obtaining a stack trace by emitting IL
- Just The Facts: Recap of Compatibility View – Scott Dickens, Program Manager on the IE team gives a useful recap of what is involved in the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer 8
- A more usable API for a mutable thread safe collection – Jared Parsons looks at ccreatijng a better API for threadsafe collections which use internal locking structures
- Checking If the Browser Is Still Connected In ASP.NET – Joel Ross shows of an often forgotten feature of ASP.NET, the fact that you can detect if the clients browser is still connected, allowing you to terminate complex processes if the user goes away.
- SQLBits Hits 330 registrations – Simon Sabin reports that spaces at the SQL Bits IV conference to be held in Manchester are going quickly, with over 330 already taken. If you are interested in going and havn’t yet registered there are still places available but you will need to be quick.
- Date for your Diaries – DDD Belfast, 4th April – Mike Ormond highlights the fact that session voting is now open for the DeveloperDevelopDeveloper event to be held in Belfast later this year.
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