
  • Moonlight 1.0 goes live – Miguel de Icaza announces the offical release of Moonlight 1.0, the open source SilverLight implementation, bringing Silverlight to *nix based systems. Miguel also talks about the future plans for versions 2 and 3. Scott Hanselman and ScottGu also announce the release.
  • AutoMapper 0.2 released – Jimmy Bogard announces the 0.2 release of his object mapper which contains a number of significant new features(support for nullable types, more enumerable support, etc) and a few bug fixes



  • SQLBits Regitsration is open – Simon Sabin announces the opening of registrations for the UK based SQL Bits IV conference, which is a free event to be held in Manchester UK on March 28th. If you want to attend this conference get registering quickly as it is sure to fill up quick.