I’ve just noticed that since I upgraded to WordPress 2.6 I’ve been forgetting to tag posts against any categories (mainly because the UI to do that is below the fold). Hopefully this hasn’t caused you to miss any posts, and I’ve now updated all the posts missing tags to include them.


  • ASP.NET Generated Image Control – The ASP.NET Team have released a new control to make it easier and quicker to generate dynamic images for use in ASP.NET Sites. The linked page is a tutorial about using the controls, the release download is linked from here.
  • Typemock Isolator 5.0 Released – The latest release of TypeMock has gone gold, and is available in three different licenses – Commercial, Personal and open source. A significant new feature of this release is the Arrange Act Assert syntax.
  • Microsoft StyleCop – Release: StyleCop 4.3 – Microsoft’s Source Code Analysis tool StyleCop reaches V4.3. This release contains numerous bug fixes, improved Visual Studio Integration,, documentation about the rules, and a bunch of new rules.
