The Morning Brew #115
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 16th June 2008 at 07:06 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Monday’s come round too fast. Despite reading lots of posts this weekend (and getting down to zero unread items in my reader) today’s brew isn’t as massive as I thought it might be – perhaps I’m being too selective.
- IronPython 2.0 Beta 3 – Iron Python gets an update in the form of Iron Python 2.0 Beta 3
- FitNesse.NET 1.7 Released – Gojko Adzic points to the latest release of this .NET implementation of the Framework for Integrated Test (Fit) tool.
- MassTransit 0.2 Now Available – Chris Patterson announces the availability of a new release of Mass Transit, a lean service bus developed using YAGNI principle (You ain’t gonna need it) to keep it as simple and lean as possble.
- Mapping Collections in NHibernate (Part 1) – The NHibernate FAQ Blog looks in detail at the different ways of mapping of collections and working with mapped collections in the first part in this series.
- Function Composition – Chris Smith looks at functional composition and how the pipe-forward operator can help improve your code.
- CruiseControl.Net Tutorial – Part 2 – Matteo continues his series on Cruise Control Setup and configuration with part two, covering the actual build and publish.
- Understanding .NET Delegates and Events, By Practice. – Mohamad Halabi writes a nice article on the different types and uses of delegates within the .NET framework, giving examples along the way.
- C# Glorified : Nemerle! – Onur Gümü? gives an introduction to Nemerle, an alternative CLR language which offers a number of interesting features (outlined in the post).
- Added parallel abilities to Dizzy – Justin Etheredge continues developing his Dizzy High order method library by adding some parallel goodness into the map method.
- Why I Do Not Use ORM – Kenneth Downs looks at Object Relational Mapping (ORM) from a database point of view, and explains what he dislikes about it – its always good to see the other side of any argument.
- Writing your first Domain Specific Language, Part 1 of 2 – Daniel Flower gives a nice introduction to implementing your own languages using the Irony Compiler Construction Tool kit.
- Python in the Browser: Live Interactive Interpreter in an HTML Textarea – Michael Foord shows off Python in a Browser, a SilverLight powered browser based Python Interactive interperter
- Back to Basics – Life After If, For and Switch – Like, a Data Structures Reminder – Scott Hanselman offers some good advice that came out of a one-on-one coding session he had with a friend, showing some alternatives to the most common approaches.
- Why you should test code too silly to break – Ayende shows some tests for code which at first view looks silly, but in the end actually helps out.
- Performance Tweaks For Your Cache – Joel Ross looks at ways to improve the common caching pattern in order to get better performance when working with multiple threads.
- BDD, AAA Style Testing and Rhino Mocks – Jean-Paul S. Boodhoo shows off some test using BDD naming using the new Rhino Mocks 3.5 Arrainge Act Assert style.
- Custom Event Programming – Brent Stineman gives and end-end overview of event based programming.
- The "It Works on my Machine" Award – Ade Miller talks about a couple of common situations which relate to ‘it works on my machine’ syndrome.
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