The Morning Brew #90
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 9th May 2008 at 07:03 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
A rather large post today, but hopefully that will keep your .NET appetites satisfied until Monday
- NUnit 2.5 Alpha 2 Released – Charlie Poole announces the Beta 2 Release of Nunit 2.5
- Ease your SSMS experience: SSMS Tools PACK 1.0 is out! – Mladen Prajdic.releases version 1.0 of his free Sql Server Management Studio tools, including lots of nice to have functionality to make SSMS a little more bearable.
- Your API Fails, Who is at Fault? – Matthew Podwysocki talks more about Design By Contract, looking at the passing of invalid parameters, and techniques for handling this in Erlang and Spec#.
- The Linq SelectMany Operator – Justin Etheredge looks at one of the less well know LINQ operators.
- Designing With Lambdas – Part IV – Sergio Pereira continues his series with a look at Lambdas being converted to expressions, and illustrates by showing how they can be used to convert objects to JSON.
- NUnit Best Practices – Scott White offers some introductory advice for unit testing with NUnit.
- Private Method Anti(?)-Pattern – Patric Fornasier discusses whether private methods are really an anti-pattern
- WPF, from this to that..Wow! – Glenn Block shows the difference a bit of UI design has made to the Prism reference implementation,
- Castle demo app: ActiveRecord basics and unit testing – Gojko Adzic shows how to use activerecord and some samples of how to unit test the database mapping layer. I look forward to further parts of the series.
- How to validate a method’s arguments? – Fredrik Normén shows a few different techniques for validating the arguments of a method.
- Building an F# powered indexing system – The first part of what I hope will be a really good series on using F# to produce some real functionality.
- MVC Storefront, Part 9: The Shopping Cart – Rob Conery continues his ASP.NET MVC Screen Cast Series with part 9, this time looking at spiking his shopping cart implementation to test getting things back into the database.
- Don’t wait for your Page_Load to finish if you don’t have to. – Albert Pascual shows how you can gain a performance boost in your ASP.NET by handling some of the support functionality in a fire and forget thread.
- Prism vs Framework XXX – Glenn Block asks people not to compare apples to oranges, and explains how Prism is different to most other frameworks
- Mock Framework Benchmarks – Aaron Jensen compares the performance of a number of mocking frameworks, and gets disappointing results from Rhino Mocks, however before I get round to posting he has already found the problem, patched it and re-run his tests, showing a marked improvement – another win for open source?
- Reserved words: what are they good for? (Absolutely nothing?) – An interesting discussion of the important (or lack of importance) of reserved words, and also a bit of information about how the VB team avoid creating lots of new reserved words during language upgrades
- Exception Handling – Do’s and Dont’s – A good roundup of exception handling best practices
- Liverpool Users of .NET May Meeting – Next Thursday (15th May 2008) marks the second official Liverpool.NET usergroup meeting -at which I will be giving an introductory presentation on F#
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