The Morning Brew #86
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 2nd May 2008 at 07:16 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
The end of another week – and the start of a long weekend here in the UK – what this means for the Morning Brew is a 3 day break, with the next instalment on Tuesday morning. Have a good weekend everyone.
- Paint.NET v3.31 is now available! – The Paint.NET team release a bug fix release, including new support for the Window Clippings screen capture tool
- Silverlight: The First Rich Text Editor – An article detailing the development of the first SilverLight Rich Text Editor – released code on CodePlex (linked in the article)
- Side Effecting Functions are Code Smells – Matthew Podwysocki looks at non-pure functions, why he considers them to be a code smell, and how Design By Contract and Spec# can help.
- Side Effecting Functions Are Code Smells Revisited – Matthew Podwysocki follows up he earlier post with some more information, including a discussion of Command Query Separation
- Grrr…poor use of singletons and a very cool Generic Singleton pattern! – Scott Galloway looks at the singleton pattern, and explains why there is no reason to implement it badly
- Dynamic Data and 3rd party o/r mappers is a fact – Frans Bouma talks about some excellent news about Dynamic Data for anyone who is already invested with other O/R Mappers
- New "Level 200" Threading and Synchronization Article – Greg Duncan highlights a good introductory article on Threading and Synchronisation.
- MVC Storefront, Part 7: Helpers and Routing – Rob Conery continues his ASP.NET MVC Screencast series. In this part Rob continues with his UI and looks into Routing, discussing this with Scott Hanselman
- Writing a Simple Role Playing Game with C# .NET and the State Design Pattern – A look at using patterns in the context of creating a (very) simple role playing game.
- Using NHibernate (years after I should have been) – Ryan Lanciaux give a nice introduction to NHibernate, having recently adopted its use
- Mocks – It’s A Question Of When – K. Scott Allen looks at how to decide when to use mock objects, and answers a few other common questions that arise from the though of using mock objects.
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