The Morning Brew #73
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 15th April 2008 at 06:45 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- File Hash Generator Shell Extension – A neat little code sample with a real world use – a tool to calculate the a number of different file hash codes from the Explorer context menu – full .NET source available too
- Designing With Lambdas – Part I – Sergio Pereira shows how the introduction of Lambda Expressions can changes the way we can write code.
- My philosophy on using new technologies – Rockford Lhotka talks about his criteria for adoption of new technology
- Mocking Events – Aaron Jensen looks at how you can mock events using Rhino Mocks
- NonNullable Class Wrapper – An interesting wrapper to help better handle and trap null values.
- ASP.NET Performance counters missing – A tip to get back missing performance counters – a number of these things are standard fixes for when ASP.NET goes wrong
- The empty try block mystery – Siddharth Uppal highlights an interesting tip discovered by reading the .NET Framework code.
Before using – or emulating – the File Hash Generator Shell Extension, be sure to read the comments on the CodeProject article. Or, for the short and sweet version: managed shell extensions fall under the DON’T DO THAT category.