
  • WP7: Northern Lights WP7 Toolkit v0.0.1 – Bjorn Kuiper shares a library of helper and code examples for Windows Phone development in his Northern Lights Windows Phone 7 Toolkit. The library is available as both NuGet Package and as a direct download. Source is hosted on CodePlex.
  • Announcing JesCov – JavaScript code coverage – Ola Bini announce the first version of JesCov, a code coverage tool for JavaScript. The tool integrates with Jasmine currently, but can be used from any testing framework. The tool is implemented in Java and uses Rhino under the hood.


  • Goodby jQuery Templates, Hello JsRender – Steve Wellens explores JsRender, the new templating option for jQuery. With the jQuery Templates library being discontinued and not being taken beyond beta this active project seems like a pretty good bet for your templating requirements in JavaScript code.
  • Building a Slimmer jQuery – dmethvin discusses the growth of jQuery over the past 5 years, both in terms of features and file size, and discusses the areas of functionality which will be deprecated in coming versions, and the criteria by which the team decide functionality’s fate.
  • Here’s why you should be happy that Microsoft is embracing Node.js – Matthew Baxter-Reynolds discusses the support of Node.js on Windows and IIS, the facilities that it provides for developers and application owners, and looks to the future for Node.js on Windows.
  • Mango Sample: Isolated Storage, Input Scope, Consume Odata, MVVM & Chart Data – Jerry Nixon shares a series of posts which look at a number of different areas of the Windows Phone Mango release from a developer point of view, illustrating each with code samples, and links to relevant documentation.
  • 31 Days of Mango | Day #9: Calendar API – Jeff Blankenburg presses on with his series of posts on Windows Phone Mango functionality with a look at the use of the Calendar API in your applicaitons, allowing you to access and display the phone user’s calendar from within your applications.
  • Windows Phone, Podcast App Starter Kit. Don’t leave your Podcast without it… – Greg Duncan highlights the release of the Windows Phone Podcast Application Starter Kit, a sample application which you can cusomise to create applications for podcasts, or to learn from by reading the MS-PL licensed code.
  • Testing Entity Framework applications, pt. 3: NDbUnit – Thomas Weller continues his series exploring the testing of an Entity Framework backed applications. This 3rd part takes a look at techniques which you can use to fake data in the database for testing, especially useful with legacy applications.
  • Your users don’t care if you use Web Sockets – Scott Hanselman discusses how choosing to use technologies like web sockets can, without implementing a backup mechanism, significantly impact the adoption of your applications, and highlights the concept of polyfills to fill gaps in browser implementations.
  • Rewriting WCF OData Services base URL with load balancing & reverse proxy – Maarten Balliauw discusses the hosting of WCF OData services behind proxies or load balancers, and how the URLs contained in the feed won’t match the names expected, sharing a technique to re-write the URLs to the correct host names.
  • Adding Output Caching and Expire Header in IIS7 to improve performance – Renso Hollhumer gives an overview of the caching settings available in IIS7 to allow you to control the cache-ability of the files and content that make up your web site, giving you a way to significantly improve the performance of your web apps.
  • Exception Handling in TPL Dataflow Networks – Cristina Manu discusses the handling of exceptions in Task Parallel Library Dataflows, exploring a number of different scenarios and sharing some best practice guidelines.
  • Putting back functionality left out of VB Core – ( If you can’t live without Mid when writing WP7 apps 😉 ) – The Visual Basic Team discuss some of the missing bits of functionality which are not in the VBCore used by Windows Phone 7 Applications, and how you can (at your own risk) use the availability of the framework and VB source to add the functionality back.