


  • ASP.NET mvcConf Videos Available – Scott Guthrie highlights the availability of all the session video content from the recent mvcConf virtual community event which covered all things ASP.NET related. This lists of sessions contains a vast number from very recognisable names in the community and will be a great resource if you missed the actual event.
  • Pair programming – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly – Canary Wharf .NET User Group – The Canary Wharf .NET User Group welcome Rachel Laycock and Sara Stephens with their session on Pair Programming on the evening of Wednesday 2nd March. This talk was well received at a recent new speakers event at the London .NET UG so should be well worth seeing.
  • NxtGenUG Oxford – .Net on a chip! – The Oxford chapter of the NxtGenUG welcome Ryan O’Neill to their group on the evening of Tuesday 1st March for a session looking at the .NET Micro Framework and the hardware available to run it.
  • From Zero To Deployed Contest – Prizes Announced – Rob Reynolds, following on from his look at AppHarbor, is running a video/screencast based contest going from no code to a working database backed application deployed and running with some great prizes for best video and best time