September 2010

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #691

Posted by on 22 Sep 2010 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Point point one release for Windsor and Castle.Core – Krzysztof Kozmic announces the release of a minor update to Castle Windsor and Castle.Core. These changes are mostly minor improvements and bugfixes, including the removal of a logger to remove dependency on System.Web, improvements to the debug view of Windsor managed components showing their dependencies



  • Image recognition & XPF – Windows Phone 7 – On the 6th October, in London the Windows Phone User Group welcome Cortexica and Red Badger who will be giving presentations on their image recognition and XNA layout framework
  • Getting Good at Parallel – NxtGenUG’s Southampton group host Josh Twist on the 28th October. Josh will be giving a presentation on using the Task Parallel Library in C#, sharing patterns and best practices for their use.

The Morning Brew #690

Posted by on 21 Sep 2010 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Web Application Configuration Analyzer v1.0 RTW is live! – Anil RV announces the release of the Web Application Configuration Analyzer 1.0. This tool allows you to scan servers and have them tested against a range of security best practices, test your code to ensure it will function in a secured environment
  • Quartz.NET 1.0.3 Released – Neon Quach announces the release of Quartz.NET 1.0.3. This release of this open source job scheduling system is a maintenance release, and corresponds in functionality to the 1.6 version of the Java Quartz implementation
  • Windows HPC Server 2008 R2: The next step in High Performance Computing – Somasegar highlights the release of Windows HPC Server 2008 R2, the latest evolution of Microsoft’s High Performance Computing Platform, highlighting how applications can be developed using Visual Studio and 3rd party extensions to make the most of HPC server resources.


  • Frequently Asked Questions about the ASP.NET Security Vulnerability – Scott Guthrie answers a number of the more common questions abut the ASP.NET Security Vulnerability which came to light over the weekend, including questions about the scanning tool, the way the workaround works and the question of what an attack against a server looks likes in logs
  • The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls – Gojko Adzic highlights the release of a free e-book / step-by-step guide to Cucumber mostly written by David de Floriner with contributions from Gojko. The e-book looks at the use of Cucumber for Java, Ruby and .NET projects and is available as a PDF download or to read online.
  • 7 Freely available E-Books/Guides I found essential for .NET Programmers and Architects – Anoop Madhusudanan highlights 7 great resources for software developers on the .NET platform. Many of these resources have been linked to in the past on the Brew, but are well worth mentioning again.
  • Ambiguous Optional Parentheses, Part One – Eric Lippert looks at the optional parameters in the object initializer and collection initializer syntax, and discusses the design choices made in the introduction of this feature back in 2004, discussing the cost analysis used to look at adding syntactic sugar to the language.
  • My Programming Sins – 1. [Not] Testing JavaScript – Karl Seguin discusses the value of testing your JavaScript code, especially as in many web applications the JavaScript is becoming an increasingly important part of our applications. Karl looks at using QUnit to test a jQuery Plugin he developed.
  • WCF RIA Services Part 7 – Authentication and Authorization – Brian Noyes continues a comprehensive series of posts on using the RIA (Rich Internet Services) library in Silverlight applications. This part (7) looks at Authentication and Authorization, and there are a further 3 posts to come on debugging, structuring services and exposing services to other clients.
  • Using WCF on Windows Phone 7: Walk-through – Andy Pennell looks at how you can consumer WCF services from the Windows Phone 7 devices showing a simple example service and client application to illustrate this in operation.
  • Windows Phone Memory Constraints – René Schulte discusses the memory constraints in place on Windows Phone 7 devices, both in total memory use, memory available and PhoneApplicationPage.State limits. René also provides a code snippet which allows you to get the memory consumption of your applications.
  • MVC 3’s IValidatableObject – Ben takes a look at the ASP.NET MVC 3 validation mechanism provided by IValidatableObject implementations, illustrating with a simple example.


  • DDD9 – 29th Jan 2011 – The DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Team announce the 9th DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper event to be held at Microsoft UK in Reading. As usual, the conference is by the community, for the community, with sessions proposal now open, which will be followed by community voting to generate the final agenda. Registrations for the conference open on 1st January 2011

The Morning Brew #689

Posted by on 20 Sep 2010 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew

IMPORTANT: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability

If you run ASP.NET websites, you need to pay attention to the contents of this section:


  • Pex and Moles v0.94: MSBuild support for Moles – Jonathan "Peli" de Halleux announces the latest release of the Pex and Moles project which brings with it support for the inclusion of support for Moles in MSBuild, removing the requirement to check in generated code allowing the tooling to run well under TFS.
  • jQuery UI on the Microsoft CDN – Stephen Walther highlights the inclusion of jQuery UI 1.8.5 on the Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network, a free to use CDN for a variety of JavaScript libraries, offering you a way to increase the performance of your sites by including common resources from the public CDN
  • Windows Phone Training Kit has been updated – Alex Yakhnin highlights the release of an updated version of the Windows Phone 7 Training Kit, updated to reflect the changes in the RTM version of the developer tooling.


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