
  • ASP.NET MVC 2 Released! – Phil Haack announces the RTM release of ASP.NET MVC 2. This release will work for both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 RC (although it a little more tricky to install there). Scott Guthrie also weighs in on the release with his announcement post ‘ASP.NET MVC 2 Released‘ talking about some of the key features of the V2 release, and Scott Hanselman highlights a number of resources to help you learn more in his ASP.NET MVC 2 Released announcement post.
  • WikiPlex v1.3 Released – Matt Hawley announces the latest release of WikiPlex, the Wiki engine that runs the Wiki on CodePlex. This release comes with all new and improved documentation, along with support for embedding Channel 9 videos and syntax highlighting for PowerShell code.
  • Policies for PostSharp 1.5 Legacy – Gael Fraiteur outlines the support plans for the existing free PostSharp 1.5 release now that the PostSharp library is moving to being a commercial library.


  • Code Bubbles – A very interesting coding UX – John V. Petersen highlights a research project from Andrew Bragdon looking at an alternative ‘way’ for the IDE to operate. Check out the video demo of ‘Code Bubbles’ for a glimpse of a possible future for the programmers best weapon the IDE
  • A Visual Look At The LINQ SelectMany Operator – Justin Etheredge takes a look at the very powerful SelectMany LINQ operator illustrating the way it works using a series of simple diagrams, and talking about how it is different from other LINQ operators
  • IHttpModule Gotchas – The Init() Method Can Get Called Multiple Times
    – Dominic Pettifer talks abotu the HttpModule implementation in ASP.NET and highlights the fact that multiple instances of a single HttpModule can exist in your applications, meaning that the Init method may be called multiple times, and shows how you can use a double check locking strategy to avoid doing unnecessary Init work multiple times.
  • A Thoroughly Modern Developer – Peter Gillard-Moss discusses what he considers to be the key traits for a good developer in this new decade, casting out the stereotypes of old and introducing his ‘Thoroughly Modern Developer’
  • Advanced Castle Windsor – generic typed factories, auto-release and more – Krzysztof Kozmic takes a look at a simple example of a Command-Handler messaging application to explore having generic typed factories returned from the Windsor container, and discusses automatic releasing of transitive components.
  • WebForms vs MVC (again) – Karl Seguin discusses the points made in the latest ASP.NET Website video on choosing between ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC, discussing each of the benefits put forward for both technologies in the videos
  • Do not name a class the same as its namespace, Part Two – Eric Lippert continues his discussion of why it is bad to have a type with the same name as its containing namespace with an example about generated code, and how the code many generators create can easily be broken by bad naming.
  • Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Composing Callbacks – Matthew Podwysocki continues his exploration of the JavaScript Reactive Extensions with a real example building on the concepts previously discussed. This worked example looks at combining Ajax calls using callbacks and the Reactive Extensions to perform translations using the Microsoft Translator API.
  • Entity Framework 4 – Modified Self-Tracking Entity framework that supports Code-Only and Persistence Ignorance – Adriaan de Beer shares some extended templates based on the Entity Frameworks standard Self Tracking templates, which add a number of extensions to the base offering, and shows them in use in a sample project