
  • ColorCode 1.0 Released! – Drew Miller announces the release of ColorCode a library to colour source code in a number of lanuages (V1 supports HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, C#, VB.NET, C++, and ASP.NET). This library as well as being hosted on CodePlex is also used within the CodePlex platform to do code colourization
  • Protecting your precious code – Naming inside our obfuscater – Paul Mason talks about the implementation of NCloak and its first public release. NCloak is a Mono.Cecil powered code obfuscation tool, and this post talks about the basic implementation of it.
  • NH Prof: Feature Freeze – Ayende announces the NH Prof, the NHibernate Query Profiler is heading towards a V1 release, meaning that the beta period discount will run out on Friday 11th September, so you might want to get in quick while the 30% off offer still stands.



  • Alt.NET Bristol Beers #2 – Guy Smith-Ferrier announces the second Birstol Alt.Net Beers event to be held on Wednesday 16th September at the Portcullis in Bristol from around 6pm.
  • How to get a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate! – Microsoft are getting people to host launch parties for Windows 7 during the week 22-29 October. The incentive being a free signature copy of Windows 7 Ultimate for the host and a Windows7 Party pack to help the party go smoothly