Weekends always fly past too quickly


ReSharper 4.0 Nightly Builds Available! – JetBrains announce the availability of nightly builds of ReSharper 4.0

Microsoft releases Unity, an IoC library – Chris Brandsma talks about Microsoft’s new IOC library – Unity – and gives an introduction to the concepts and competing products.

Enum Utilities – A library to make working with Enums a little more pleasurable

EfTidyNet :- Dotnet Wrapper for Tidy library – .NET port of a COM wrapper for TidyLib – a HTML tidier library


.NET to C++ Bridge – An interesting article talking about the C++/CLI wrapper class method of calling managed code from unmanaged code

Fully Customizable Random Password Generator – Keyvan Nayyeri gives an implementation of a password generator.

Exploring GDI+ : Using The Brush – Amr Elsehemy covers the Brush classes available in the .NET Framework

Does Your Code Pass The Turkey Test? – Jeff Moser talks about the Turkey Test – a great article on the considerations you need to make to internationalise your applications.

Open XML Formats : Binary Documentation (.doc, .xls, .ppt) and Translator Project Site are now live – Brian Jones announces that Microsoft have opened up the documentation on the binary document formats for Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Office drawings, along with supporting technologies. This is great news for everyone – at last other programs will have good Office file compatibility

NHibernate in Visual Web Developer Express – Derek Fowler talks about getting NHibernate working in Visual Web Developer projects

WiX toolset on SourceForge marked Production/Stable. – Rob Mensching announces that the WiX toolset can now be considered stable

Eliminating obscure tests – Just because you have lots of test coverage doesn’t necessarily mean those tests are good. Obscure tests don’t help preserve the ‘Tests as Documentation’ ideal of TDD

Database Development: Table Structure Changes – Kenneth Downs talks about managing table schema changes during development

How to Create File Optical Images using IMAPIv2.0 – Sample Managed code to create ISO using the IMAPI v2 interfaces in Vista, and XP/2003

Building Domain Specific Languages in Boo: Available for early access – Oren Eini (Ayende) announces the availability of the first few chapters of his book