
  • Announcing FsLab: Data science package for Mono and .NET – Tomas Petricek announces the release of FsLab, a cross platform .NET and Mono based package for doing data science, with built in support for reading from data in a variety of formats, santising and aligning data and building visualisations
  • SQL Server 2016 public preview coming this summer – The SQL Server Team announce plans for a SQL Server 2016 Public Preview release in the summer, and share some details of what we can expect from SQL 2016
  • Office 2016 Public Preview now available – Jared Spataro announces the availability of the Office 2016 Preview release
  • NativeScript 1.0.0 is Now Available – Valentin Stoychev and the team over at Telerik announce the 1.0.0 release of NativeScript after a 2 month preview. NativeScript allows you to develop true native applications for iOS and Andorid programming both in JavaScript (or TypeScript), XML and CSS.
