
  • SignalR 0.5.1 Released – David Fowler announces the release of SignalR 0.5.1, an update to the core 0.5 which brings support for the Windows 8 Release Preview, along with the inclusion of web sockets support (for environments which support it – i.e. IIS8), improves the cross domain connection support and connection management.
  • Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop – S.Somasegar announces the plans for a additional Express edition product to target the Windows Desktop development, a request from the community following the announcement of the VS Express line up last month.
  • Announcing WebMatrix 2 RC – Vishal Joshi highlights the release of WebMatrix 2 Release Candidate, and discusses how it makes a good choice for building standards compliant sites to run on the Azure platform.
  • Get dotCover 2.0 Beta – JetBrains announce the release of the beta of dotCover 2.0, available for you to try and give the team feedback
  • Snippet Designer now supports Visual Studio 2012 RC – Matthew Manela announces a minor update to his Snippet Designer Visual Studio extension which allows it to run on under Visual Studio 2012. The release is available via the Visual Studio Gallery.

