April 2013

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #1343

Posted by on 25 Apr 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Project-less scripted C# with ScriptCS and Roslyn – Scott Hanselman takes a look at ScriptCS, an application of Roslyn’s compiler as a service capabilities, along with C# and NuGet to give a Scripting engine which runs C#, and looks at some of the exciting uses like hosting WebAPI and NancyFx applications which this can be put to.
  • Infer.NET: Machine Learning Tailor-Made – The Microsoft Research news blog highlights Infer.NET a new .NET Machine Learning library being created by the clever folks at Microsoft Research Cambridge
  • Tasks are not Threads – ‘BenWilli’ discusses one of the common misconceptions about tasks – that they are not actually analogous to threads in classical multithreaded programming.
  • Using Visual Studio’s JavaScript Memory Analysis tool to find memory leaks on your Windows 8 JavaScript app – David Catuhe takes a look at using the Visual Studio tooling to profile your JavaScript based applications on Window 8 to identify any memory leaking which is occuring
  • How to profile a JavaScript Windows Store App for performance problems – Haseeb Ah is also discussing the Visual Studio profiling tools for JavaScript Windows Store Applications, this time focusing on computational performance, looking at profiling a CPU intensive graphic visualisation.
  • Foq It Easy – Phil Trelford gives an overview of his Foq mocking library for .NET which has first class support for F#, showing how a small sample project has grown into a full framework over its various releases, and is now something he considers to be stable at version 0.9.
  • #829 – Add Comments to Indicate Shallow vs. Deep Copying – Sean Sexton discusses how there are two different types of clone of an object, shallow cloning and deep cloning, and how the use of comments on methods implementing clones are a good idea to help people working on your code understand what is really happening.


The Morning Brew #1342

Posted by on 24 Apr 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Introducing: Code Digger, an extension for VS2012 – Nikolai Tillmann announces the release of Code Digger, a Visual Studio 2012 extension from the Pex Team (Nikolai Tillmann and Peli de Halleux). The extension looks at your code, and generates a table of inputs and outputs from that code allowing you to understand what your code will do in different situations,
  • Windows Azure Storage Extensions – Dmitry Tretyakov updates his Windows Azure Storage Extensions library which aims to plug some gaps and add in some functionality to to the SDK


  • Immutable Data and Memoization in C#, Part 2 – Jérôme Laban continues his series looking at the use of Functional Programming techniques in C#. This part takes a look at Memoization, looking at some of the supporting classes in the Framework, and exploring the technique and how you can help alleviate the memory impact of the technique.
  • Are you coding for change or stability – the followup post – Marcus Hammarberg follows on from his previous discussion post on two models for programming, programming for change, and programming for stability, discussing and shareing some of the discussions which kicked off around the original post
  • Remove Unwanted HTTP Response Headers – ‘mathurvarun’ takes a look at how you can convince IIS to not output some of the informational HTTP Header provide information about Server OS and Version, and the ASP.NEt version.
  • Things you still cant do with ASP.NET modules on IIS – Mike Volodarsky discusses a little history about how you used to use ISAPI to extend IIS, but with the release of IIS7 you were able to create managed extensions to IIS, before looking at some of the limitations of the managed extensions.
  • Annotating PDF Documents in a Windows 8 Store App – Mike Taulty takes a look at some of the PDF SDK libraries out there for working with PDF documents, digging into Foxit’s SDK and ComponentOne’s product in detail, with mention of a few others too.
  • Building Windows Azure Cloud Services App with Web Role, Worker Role, Table Storage and Service Bus – Shiju Varghese walks through the process of setting up a Multi-Tier application running on the Windows Azure platform, and utilising a good range of the features of the Azure platform.

The Morning Brew #1341

Posted by on 23 Apr 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Announcing 0.9 early previews – TypeScript – Jonathan Turner announces the release of an early preview release of TypeScript 0.89 which gives you a chance to try out some of the new and breaking changes made on the road to the 1.0 release
  • XDT (XML Document Transform) released on codeplex.com & XDT web.config transforms – Sayed-Ibrahim-Hashimi announces the release of the XDT engine as a CodePlex project, something a number of people have been interested in, and Jeff Handley highlights the work already under way to integrate XDT into the NuGet package manager allowing transformations to be applied by packages.


  • Producing permutations, part three – Eric Lippert continues his series looking at permutations, making a start on the code to generate permutations as outlined in the algorithm in the last post
  • Immutable Data and Memoization in C#, Part 1 – Jerome Laban kicks off a new series looking at applying the functional programming concepts of Immutability and memoization to C# code and eliminating changes to data and the bugs and performance bottlenecks this can avoid.
  • Better Testers – Phil Haack follows on from a previous post discussing testing and devellopers relationship with performing testing, urgeting developer and testers to have better relationships and for developers to think of testers as specialists in their own right
  • JavascriptPromise – Martin Fowler gives a nice short and concise explaination of the concept and use of promises in JavaScript
  • Penny Pinching Video: Moving my Website’s Images to the Azure CDN (and using a custom domain) – Scott Hanselman takes a look at the role a CDN can play in reducing your hosting costs, and shares a look at how he converted the Hanselminutes site to use a CDN.
  • Stop Your Console App The Nice Way – Mike Hadlow highlights a little know event on the Console class which lets your console applications respond to the standard cancellation key combination Ctrl+C
  • A ResourceManager Abstraction for Custom Resource Managers & Five New FxCop Globalization Rules – Guy Smith-Ferrier puts out a plea to the community to help him influence Microsoft to provide an abstraction over the resource manager which would allow custom resource managers to be insert into applications behind the standard interface. Guy also has updated the code samples for his .NET Internationalization book, along with providing some new FxCop rules to help ensure your applications are more internationally friendly


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