
  • NuGet 2.5 Release Candidate – The NuGet Team announce the release of the release candidate of NuGet 2.5, with a planned actual release by the end of April, so the team are especially interested in you testing the new release before then. This release marks a major update, with over 160 work items in the release, and features including allowing file overwrites, Update All, Minimum NuGet Version, and much more
  • NCLDR Release Notes – Guy Smith Ferrier announces the release of an updated alpha release of NCLDR, and open source port of CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) to .NET, which provides a much richer source of localisation information han that in the .NET Framework Core.
  • Hello Sencha Touch 2.2 – Aditya Bansod highlights the release of Sencha Touch 2.2, a JavaScript Framework for constructing mobile web applications which run across multiple platforms, now including Blackberry and Internet Explorer 10

