Today is the 1000th edition of the Morning Brew. Back in January 2008 when I started out with this series of posts I had no idea how long I’d keep them up for. Back then the post series started out called Morning Coffee with the first edition containing a whole 3 links – how things have grown since then!
Since then, for 1000 working UK days I’ve produced an edition, even managing to achieve posts when I was out of the country on both business and pleasure. There have been a few occasions where posts have been delayed – once due to falling asleep jetlagged in Seattle while preparing the post, but mostly things have gone out on time.
I had planned to have more a celebratory post for today, perhaps with a new look website and some giveaways, but unfortunately the last few weeks have been rather hectic, so instead I will look to the 1024th edition for those things.
I’m forever in debt to the great authors and technologists without who’s posts the Morning Brew would be nothing, and I only keep doing this because of the wonderful community we work within – if you’ve enjoyed The Morning Brew and found it useful I encourage you to let your colleagues and developer friends know about it.
Here is to the next 1000!

Silverlight 5 and Related


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  • Using QUnit with Razor Layouts – Phil Haack discusses the role of JavaScript in modern web applications and how important it is to test your JavaScript code well, setting out to show how he uses QUnit to test JavaScript in his Razor views, drawing on Jonathan Creamer’s recent post as inspiration.
  • SOLID JavaScript: Single Responsibility Principle – Derek Greer kicks off a series of posts over on Fresh Brewed Code looking at applying the SOLID Principle to JavaScript Code, starting off with a look at the Single Responsibility Principle.
  • BackboneJS modular app using RequireJS – Jonathan Creamer discusses the using RequireJS to create modular JavaScript applications which avoid the problems of scale that many large and complex JavaScript applications suffer from.
  • "A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control, Second Edition" in 441 pages of a free PDF – Greg Duncan highlights the release of the second edition of the Patterns and Practices ‘A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control’ available as a PDF download. The book addresses all aspects of claims based identity including Windows Identity Foundation an Active Directory Federation Services.
  • ASP.NET MVC Routing Extensibility – Simone Chiaretta discusses how you can hook into the ASP.NET MVC pipeline via Routing extensibility allowing you to jump into your own pipeline before the controller instance is created for the request.
  • Easy URL rewriting in ASP.NET 4.0 web forms – Jalpesh P. Vadgama discusses the use of Routing in your ASP.NET Web Forms applications, showing a simple worked example of the configuration and use.
  • Take Control of Your .NET Builds with Rake and Albacore – Josh Bush highlights the Albacore project from Derick Bailey which makes building .NET Applications with Rake allowing you to create build scripts in Ruby.
  • FrazzledDad: 31 Days of Testing – Day 8: Pay Attention to Your Tests’ Setup! – Jim Holmes continues his 31 Days of Testing series of posts with discussion of the test setup and how you should observe good programing practices (like DRY) when writing your tests.
  • User testing is common sense – ‘armear’ highlights the practice of User Testing, discussing the value of performing User Testing to improve the quality of your products and User Interfaces
  • Zooming & Panning with CSS in IE 10 – Mike Taulty explores how some of the CSS 3 features of the Internet Explorer 10 Developer Preview can help you create a familiar experience for those used to touch based interfaces, discussing the practices and implementation of panning and zooming.