
  • Ninject Forever – Nate Kohari announces the official release of Ninject 2, along with welcoming a new co-maintainer to the project. This release brings support on the 1.x line to an end. Be sure to check out the changes document as there are a number of significant differences from the 1.x line
  • Announcing PostSharp 2.0 CTP 4 – Gael Fraiteur announces the 4th Community Technology Preview of the PostSharp 2.0 Aspect Oriented Programming framework. This release does not have a time limit (in the sense that the previous CTPs did), but after 45 days you will have to obtain a community of professional license (allowing them to test the licensing code). This release also improves VS2010 support by supporting the Release Candidate.
  • DevExpress IDE Productivity Tools for Visual Studio 2010 – Beta Versions – Like other Tools Vendors DevExpress have been keeping up with the Visual Studio releases, and are offering free upgrades to their tools to support the Visual Studio 2010 RC release, and also offer free trials, giving you the perfect opportunity to try some new tooling.


  • NHibernate donation campaign – Ayende highlights a donation drive to help fund NHibernate Development, with the added incentive that his company (Hibernating Rhinos) will match donations to make your donations doubly useful to the community,
  • "Art of Agile Development" Going Online – James Shore announces that he will be posting the full text of a section from his book ‘Art of Agile Development’ online for free every Friday, with the first section posted last Friday covering Pair Programming.
  • No Intellisense with VS 2010 RC (and how to fix it) – Scott Guthrie talks about some confusion that people have had with their VS2010 installation having C# Intellisense turned off, explaining how it occurs, and how the VS team will be modifying this behaviour in the final VS2010 release.
  • So What Is This "Thread Safe" Thing Anyway? – Steven Robbins follows on from his previous post on a “Thread Safe” Dictionary implementation with a discussion of what "Thread Safe" means.
  • Exploring undocumented SOS function in Windbg – NET 4.0 – Naveen talks about the update SOS Debugger in .NET 4 and goes on to look at an undocumented feature of the debugger, the !HandleCLRN function, showing it in use, and tracking its functionality back to the .NET 3.5 edition.
  • Solution Setup – Carlos Santos shows how he structures his Visual Studio solution file, and how the files on the disk are organised, showing the structure by way of screenshots, and also discussing the use and organisation of assembly metadata attribues.
  • IntelliTrace Info : Navigating your source code with IntelliTrace debugging – Ian Huff, a Developer on the IntelliTrace team takes a look at navigating round the data captured by IntelliTrace, illustrating with plenty of screenshots which show how this functionality works.
  • Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Creating Observers – Matthew Podwysocki continues his series on the JavaScript Reactive Extensions with a look at creating observers and using them to observe the observables created last time using the subscription model.
  • Castle Project code organization – Patrick Smacchia picks up on Krzysztof Kozmic’s post on Open Source Project Dependencies, and applies his tool, NDepend, to help analyse the situation
  • Pitfalls Of Equals/GetHashCode – How Does A Hash Table Work? – Alois Kraus looks at the common (and often overlooked) methods Equals and GetHashCode, explaining their uses and showing implementations of them which can be used for custom objects
  • The Kayak Framework: An easy way to speak HTTP with .NET – Benjamin van der Veen give a tour round the Kayak Framework which provides a lightweight HTTP Server for the .NET CLR without the need for IIS or ASP.NET, allowing you to create simple fast JSON services.


  • Europe Virtual ALT.NET: Next European VAN on 01 March 2010 – This evening sees the next European Virtual Alt.Net meeting, occurring over LiveMeeting, and starting at 19:00GMT, with Mike Amundsen talking on HTTP Web Caching, and how it relates to REST. As with all the Virtual Alt.Net events this is a free to (virtually) attend event.
  • DDD South West 2 Dates Announced – Guy Smith-Ferrier announces the plan for the second DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper South West event, to be held on Saturday 5th June. The first major milestone date is the opening of the call for speakers tomorrow.
  • DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Scotland – Registration for the next DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper event to be held in Glasgow, Scotland on 8th May opens today at 12:30pm GMT. If you are hoping to attend, get in quickly as spaces for these events usually go very quick.