
  • Castle Dynamic Proxy 2.2 beta in the wild! – Krzysztof Kozmic highlights the beta release of the Castle Project Dynamic Proxy 2.2. This release includes over 40 changes from the 2.1 release including support for Silverlight, along with some impressive performance improvements due to better caching, along with a lot more
  • jQuery 1.4 Alpha 1 Released – Nick Berardi highlights the release of the first Alpha of jQuery 1.4. This release is feature complete and stable, and the team are particularly interested in catching any regression issues with this release which makes improvements to a number of existing methods
  • Microsoft Releases Bing API Software Development Kit (SDK) – Blake Handler highlights the release of a Software Development Kit for working with the Bing API, including detailed documentation and over 60 samples of the API in use


  • ES5 is an ECMA standard – Ajaxian highlights the news that the proposed ECMAScript 5 standard has been declared a true ECMA standard, passing a vote at the ECMA General Assembly held late last week
  • More On The Death of If-Else – K. Scott Allen looks at a number of alternatives to the standard if-else patterns, based on a post by Aaron Feng, using function tables and lambda expressions resulting in some quite pleasing looking code
  • in C# 3.5: interface + extension methods = mixin – in two places at once – ‘DCam’ looks at how in C#3.5 all the components needed to create mixins are available, looking at how this technique can be used to avoid duplicate code when dealing with similar types
  • FitNesse book now free online – Gojko Adzic has released the second edition of his book ‘Test Driven .NET Development with FitNesse’ as a free HTML or PDF e-book. The second edition updates the contents of the book to talks about FitNesse (20091121) and FitSharp (1.4). Print copies will be available soon.
  • Building Hello MEF – Part II – Metadata and why being Lazy is a good thing. – Glenn Block continues his series of posts looking at building a basic dashboard implementation using the Managed Extensibility Framework to provide the mean of plugging new functionality into the implementation. This post looks at lazy instance creation and export metadata
  • Reader Challenge – Fault Handlers in C# – Bart De Smet talks a little about the CLR’s ability to attach handlers to try blocks, and sets a related reader challenge to find what in C#2+ generates the fault keyword in IL.
  • Are you ready to learn F#? Concepts to be familiar with before learning the F# language – Bart Czernicki gives a brief introduction to 11 of the key concepts behind F#, and also looks at some of the C# concepts you will already be familiar with which translate to F#
  • Unit Testing An NHibernate Application – Davy Brion talks about two means of doing having Unit Tests which test an NHibernate applications interactions with a database, test that rollback the database changes, and test which create a new database for each test/fixture, showing how each can be achieved
  • The Meaning of 100% Test Coverage – Markus Ewald talks about his reasons for aiming for 100% test coverage not just for new code or Test Driven code but for legacy code to which you are adding tests
  • Authenticated web services calls with Asp.Net MVC – Chris Brandsma looks at how you can handle the problems caused by sessions timing out in complex Ajax based applications and how you can handle re-authentication
  • Resharper is amazing, take N – Ayende highlights a feature I’ve been wanting for a while now which is included in Resharper 5.0, the ability to go-to definition on framework code and have if show the actual implementation using the Microsoft Symbol Server & Source Server