
  • ankhsvn: Ankh 2.0 – The ankhsvn tean announces their latest release of their Subversion plugin for Visual Studio allowing you to work with Subversion from the solution explorer. This release contains a number of new features, including experimental support for VS2010, along with a number of bugfixes and improvements.
  • CSLA .NET 3.6.2 beta release – Rockford Lhotka announces his latest CSLA framework release. This beta is feature complete, and will now only have bugfixes added before final release in the next couple of weeks.
  • Hot fix available for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 crashing when opening up aspx files (views) on Vista SP1 x64 – Eric Hexter highlights a new HotFix from Microsoft for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 which fixes a crash issue when opening ASPX files on Vista x64. It sounds like a good number of folks have been effected by this issue, so you’ll all be thankful for the fix.



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